Looking to control weeds?
Use the weed control search to find management options and to compare their effectiveness.
Weed control search
Find management options for weeds affecting Ontario crops
Looking for insect, disease and other crop management strategies?
Use the crop protection searches to find specific management information.
Fruit crop protection
Find insect, disease and crop management strategies for Ontario fruit crops
Tree nut crop protection
Find insect, disease and crop management strategies for Ontario tree nut crops
Ginseng crop protection
Find insect, disease and crop management strategies for Ontario ginseng crops
Field crop protection
Find management options for insects and diseases affecting Ontario field crops
Greenhouse ornamentals crop protection
Find insect, disease and crop management strategies for Ontario greenhouse ornamental crops
Vegetable crop protection
Find management options for pests affecting Ontario vegetable crops
Flue-cured tobacco crop protection
Find insect, disease and crop management strategies for Ontario tobacco
Looking for a specific product?
Use one of the product listings to find products registered for use on single or multiple crops
Search for a product by trade name or active ingredient
Search for a specific herbicide profile by trade name or active ingredient
Search for a specific insecticide profile by trade name or active ingredient
Search for a specific fungicide profile by trade name or active ingredient
Search for a specific nematicide product by trade name or active ingredient
Other products
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