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Acramite 50 WS

Visit a crop protection control search for additional product information.

Product specifications:

Product attributes
Product type:
Registration number and product label:
27925 (Product Label)External link
Active ingredient(s)
Chemical group(s):
IRAC 20D Bifenazate
UPL AgroSolutions

Crop Registration

CropAerial applicationCaveatsProduct restriction info / rate and application information
Apples - Bearing
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Apples - Non bearing
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Bitter melon; Momordica spp.
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Cucurbit (CG9)
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Edible gourd
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Hazelnut (filbert)
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Raspberry - Fall bearing
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Raspberry - Summer fruiting
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Sweet cherries
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Tart cherries
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Winter squash
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