Cultivar Sevin XLR (L/1,000 L water)2 Fruitone-L (NAA) (ppm)3 Sevin XLR (/1,000 L water) + Fruitone-L (NAA) (ppm)2,3 MaxCel or Cilis Plus (g BA/ha)4 Sevin XLR (L/1,000 L water) + MaxCel or Cilis Plus (g BA/ha)2,3,4
Ambrosia 1–1.5 50
Aurora Golden Gala™ 1–1.5 75 1 + 50 
Braeburn 1.2–7.3
Cameo  1 2.4–9.7
Cortland 1.2–7.3 1–2 + 2.5–5
Creston 0.5–1
Crispin/Mutsu 0.5–1.5 2.4–9.7
Empire 1–1.5 2.4–9.7 1 + 2.5–4 50–100 1 + 50
Fuji 3.6–9.7 1–1.5 + 10–12 100–150 1–2 + 50–75
Gala 2.4–9.7 1 + 5–10 75–100 1–2 + 50
Gingergold 1–1.5 2.4–9.7 1 + 2.5–5 75 1 + 50
Golden Delicious, Wealthy 1–2 3.6–9.7 1 + 5–10 75–100 1–2 + 50
Golden Supreme 1 2.4–9.7
Goldrush 1 + 10
Honeycrisp 1–1.5 2.4–9.7 1 + 2.5
Idared 1.2–7.3 50–75
Jerseymac 1–1.5 1.2–7.3
Jonagold 1–1.5 2.4–9.7 50–75
Jonamac 2.4–9.7
Lodi 3.6–9.7 1 + 10–15
Macoun 3.6–9.7
McIntosh, Early 3.6–9.7 1 + 5–105 50–75
McIntosh, Non-spur 1–2 1.2–7.3 50
McIntosh, Spur-type 1.2–7.3 1–2 + 2.5–5 50–75 1 + 50
Northern Spy 0.5–1.5 1.2–7.3
Paulared 1–1.5 3.6–9.7 1 + 10–15 75 1 + 50
Red Delicious 0.5–1.5 1.2–7.3 — 
Red Delicious, Spur-type 1.2–7.3 1–2 + 5–10
Silken 1–1.5 —  —  —  — 
Spartan, Russets 1–2 2.4–9.7 1 + 10–15

— = Treatment information not available.

1 These rates are suggested for trees with a settled cropping history. Chemically thinning a first crop tree or immature trees is considered very risky.

2 Sevin XLR is 43% active ingredient and contains 480 g or approximately 0.5 kg of carbaryl per litre. 1 L of Sevin XLR is roughly equivalent to 1 kg of Sevin 50 W.

3 Sufficient water volumes must be used to thoroughly wet trees. For actual amount of NAA, refer to the label.

4 Consult [Suggested Rates of MaxCel or Cilis Plus to Use With or Without Sevin XLR](/supporting-information/apples/thinning-and-plant-growth-regulators/suggested-rates-of-maxcel-or-cilis-plus-to-use-with-or-without-sevin-xlr) to determine the actual ppm benzyladenine (BA) being applied. Concentration of BA should be no less than 50 ppm to be effective.

5 At petal fall Table developed by John Cline, University of Guelph.